David McWilliams addressed the theme of 'The world post-crisis : an era of opportunity? ' and his positivity and insights could only help convince us of the opportunities that may await us once we resurface from the current crisis.
David McWilliams went as far back as medieval times and the black death to illustrate how history has shown us time and again that pandemics accelerate change. He highlighted the green energy sector as one which will undoubtedly benefit from the current upheavel and went on to answer a number of questions from members on various topics.
A record number of members joined the event and we apologise for some technical issues which meant that certain members were unable to participate from the very beginning. We will do everything in our power to ensure this does not repeat itself for our future webinars. Our recording was also affected however you can review the majority of the webinar via this link : https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/5630454322604340495