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Cross-Chamber Networking Evening

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An anglo-apero between the anglophone chambers in Paris gathering pioneer members from the leading American, British, Irish and Australian companies present in France.

On May 25th NetworkIrlande got together with fellow anglophone chambers, AmCham, Franco British Chamber and the Australia France Business Association for a cross chamber networking event kindly hosted at the wonderful offices of the Franco British Chamber in Paris. It was a unique opportunity for Pioneer members of NetworkIrlande to meet directors from the leading American, British and Australian companies present in France with nearly 80 participants from across all chambers. Guests were welcomed by Thierry Drilhon, president of the Franco British Chamber, who spoke positively of the attractivity of France as a business partner and the multiple bilateral opportunities for foreign companies today. This positivity continued throughout the discourse that followed from Eglé de Richement representing the AmCham, our own presdient Richard Dujardin and AFBA vice president Frédéric Calinaud. A special mention and homage was made for former AFBA president Bernard Tabary, unfortunately no longer with us and sorely missed at the event.

Many interesting encounters and exchanges were made on the evening and we look forward to continuing these cross chamber get-togethers going forward.



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