NetworkIrlande was delighted to take part in the gathering of the Irish Community in Toulouse to celebrate Imbolg and St. Brigid’s Day last night in the stunning Salle des Illustres of the Capitole and to meet several of our locals members over the course of the evening.
At the invitation of M. Jean-Luc Moudenc, Maire de Toulouse and Président de Toulouse Métropole and Mr. Kevin Mc Greevy, Consul honoraire d’Irlande, 150 Irish locals and friends gathered for an evening of connections and exchange. The group was warmly welcomed by Vice-President Jean-Claude Dardelet, and in the presence of Mme. Nicole Miquel-Belaud, who explained that it is tradition in Toulouse for Consuls to celebrate their national day. Ireland are first this year with St Brigid’s Day rather than St. Patrick’s Day. M. Dardelet enlightened us all as to the incredible history of the building and the city before moving on to the hot topic of the moment – rugby – and Ireland’s upcoming clash with France eh, Toulouse!! H.E. Niall Burgess, Ambassador to Ireland, spoke proudly about the history of fearless Saint Brigid and the integration of the Irish community in Toulouse.
Aside from NetworkIrlande and members of the Franco-Irish business community, Irish in France, Mna na hEireann and many exchange students together with a strong international consular representation all made for a lively evening which will be remembered!