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Événements passés

SpeedNetworking 2021

Articles - Image d'intro

La 4e édition de l'événement de speed-networking #BoostYourNetwork de NetworkIrlande a eu lieu, virtuellement, le 11 février.

Our annual speed-networking event moved online this year for a 100% virtual BoostYourNetwork edition #4. We used the latest in online digital event software to organise 139 one-on-one meetings in the space of 90 minutes - an intense but highly efficient way to connect our members. Many thanks to all who attended in particular our pioneer members Arqana, Axway, Cheuvreux, Davy, Eirgrid, Groupe Adéquat, LogMeIn, Paragon ID and Smurfit Kappa who all provided CEO or C-level participants to exchange and advise over the morning.
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